For this assignment I chose to take pictures of nature. I did not have a high end camera, so all pictures are taken with my Android phone. I tried to get a variety of objects that would lend themselves to different end-media as assigned: screen, web, print. On the top are originals and underneath are their modified versions. If you click on the pictures you can see the full sized versions of both.


yellow leaf thumbnail
Original image taken with Android phone. Size: 2560×1920.


modified from original
Modifications: cropped, rotated, I wanted to get a more true color and really emphasize the yellow leaf, so I modified curves and exposure. Saved as PNG. Size: 1024×768.



picture of hole in ice
Original image. This is an image of a melting ice on Smith lake. It looked like it was made by a bullet, but it wasn’t a bullet because as you can see the hole does not go all the way through. Size: 2560×192


modified picture of hole in the ice
Modifications: cropped; I wanted to achieve more dramatic effect with the emphasis on the hole in the middle (i wanted it look like it was deep and dark), so I adjusted tone, contrast and color; cleaned out blemishes with clone stamp; adjusted exposure and gamma. Saved as PNG. Size: 1024×768.



Original image. Size: 1920 × 2560
Modifications: cropped; adjusted curves, tone and exposure; sharpened; re-sized to 700×654.
Original image. Size: 2560 × 1920
Modifications: I was thinking of using it as a header for a website, so I cropped it to 765×325 and adjusted contrast for richer color.


Original image. Size: 2560 × 1920.
Modifications: cropped; profile converted from RGB to CMYK (the image is not meant to be displayed on screen, that’s why the colors are over saturated); adjusted curves for truer color; re-sized to 1200 × 992, which at 300dpi will print 4 in x 3.3 in. Saved as TIFF (using a JPG compression set to High with bite order set to Macintosh to reduce file size without loosing resolution and then further compressed it as ZIP file so it was possible to download it from this site). Since many browsers can’t display TIFF’s I re-saved file as JPEG (this is what you see). You can download TIFF file here.
Original image. Size: 2560 × 1920.
Modifications: rotated; cropped; converted from RGB to CMYK (the image is not meant to be displayed on screen, that’s why the colors are over saturated); adjusted tone, contrast and color; re-sized to 1200×1498, which at 300dpi will print 4 in x 5 in. Saved as TIFF (using a JPG compression set to High with bite order set to Macintosh to reduce file size without loosing resolution and then further compressed it as ZIP file so it was possible to download it from this site). Since many browsers can’t display TIFF’s, I re-saved file as JPEG (this is what you see). You can download TIFF file here.