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Did not post anything for a while. Life took over and I did not have time. But it is Memorial Day and I am on vacation. So, a lot happened. My “bestie” broke off our 30-year friendship stating that it was “unhealthy” and that she needed to take care of her well-being. I was laughing. I literally saw her once in a couple of months for about two hours with just small talk. And when there were other people present she did not even talk to me. WTF. I am still trying to figure out how da fuck did I affect her well-being. She said a lot of asinine things in the time we were friends but this tramps them all. She would not even give me a choice to respond. It is all her husband’s words as she really does not think on her own. She only repeats what her husband thinks of the world (which is mostly politics). She did it with me as well. Just appropriated what I said as her own thoughts. I guess whatever makes you happy. Anyhow, I am still trying to figure out what I did to cause this ridiculousness. Mostly good riddance.

So, that was one development…

The other one is that my doggy got sick. At one point he could not walk because he was in so much pain and cried as soon as he stood up. It was horrible to hear his cry. I had to carry him to my car to get him to the emergency vet. They immediately wheeled him out and gave him nuclear-strength painkillers. So, he could walk right away. Did tests ($2,000) and found nothing. They literally said it was a mystery and referred me to our regular vet. More tests ($1, 500 worth). Still could not find anything except an enlarged liver. Now I have to go and do a biopsy (another $2,000 but I don’t mind as I want to do everything possible to find out what’s wrong so it could be treated). But at the same time, he is 13 years old and I am not sure if I should put him through this hell or just let him be and deal with whatever will come on my own. Additionally, my vet gave him a supposedly good shot of pain meds without asking my permission… It did not do shit. He was limping as crazy… I hate vets in PNW. They have no idea what they are doing and really don’t care about anything but money. End of rant.

Other than that it is summer and I am off work for a couple weeks. The weather is beautiful and we still walk at least 3 miles (reduced from 6 because of the pain). Everything is green and everything is blooming. I got a lavender plant to put by my door. It is already blooming even though it is only 4 in high. This is what I love about PNW. Things just grow and healthy.

That concludes my broadcast for the day. I will be more diligent in posting more.



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