

Today’s task was to “leave a trail behind me, Hensel and Gretel style.”
I decided on candy and thumbtacks, and chalk markings. We walk in different neighborhoods and I decided to leave a different trail in each. I thought people will either pick up candy (the best outcome) and thumbtacks (everybody needs those at some point or other). The chalk markings would be more noticeable. All three items are required to go to the store. I also bought a bottle of wine which required ID checking at check out. As ID checking lady approached she looked at my trail supplies and gave me a funny look as there were mountains of each. Hey lady, I have a project. Back off.
Of course today Opee decided on walking 6 miles with half an hour chasing mice in a grassy field (no trail there). The chalk arrows were left in a park, the candy in a blue color neighborhood, and thumbtacks in a swanky neighborhood as people there really can buy their own candy. I did not have enough for the whole 6 miles so the trails just ended abruptly. Below is a map of three areas where I left trails. Of course, I did not cover the length of all of them. That would empty my savings.

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