

Today’s task was to “pick up litter in the street today.” So I had to research the lifeline of the litter with the book’s help. Here is what I found:

Banana peel — 3 to 4 weeks (5 picked)

Tin can — 10-40 years. (1 picked)

Aluminum wrapper — 200 to 500 years (10 picked)

Disposable diaper — 500 to 600 years (1 picked)

Plastic jag — 1,000,000 years (5 picked)

Styrofoam cup — Eternity (20 picked)

I took a garbage bag on my 2-hour walk with Opee and lo and behold I got every single one plus chicken bones (20 picked). A lot of them. You would think the entire Hillsboro just walking with chicken drumsticks and then discarding them on the street. And that’s just on one trail. I can only guess about other trails and sidewalks that go along the highway. Ya, I am a responsible citizen now.


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