


Today’s task was to “stick a message on fruit.” At first, I had to make stickers. I had to go to work for it and get some sticky name tag labels which I discretely stole behind the front desk pretending to look for pencils. Then I had to design the messages. Simple. Hello Adobe Illustrator. I am an expert. Help me out. Then I had to print them on name tag labels. I had to figure out which side I had to load it into the printer. Then I had to imagine the fruit and then write messages for them. Then I thought I just buy fruit and stick messages on them at home. But then what’s the fun in it? I had to go to Fred’s and what a perfect opportunity! And I took it. I had to hang out in the fruit aisle of course but decided to include sushi as well as it was adjacent and way more fun. So, I had to be discreet. I pretended to browse and touch every fruit there is and smell it. I saw people doing it even in the movies so I thought it would be normal behavior. I started with sushi though. The label I put on it is, “I am a work of art. Eat me slowly and admire.” Then moved on to Kiwis and the message was, “Shave me before eating.” Then apples, “Hey lucky lady. I taste good if you close your eyes.” Pineapple (which no one buys in the winter), “I am lonely. Buy me.” Oranges, “Take my coat off. I am hot.” Tomatoes (yes, it is fruit even though it is in the vegetable section), “I am genetically modified. What’s your DNA?” Cantilop, “I have a secret inside of me. Don’t tell it to anyone.” That was about it as in the winter not much fruit is available. I think I covered them all. I only put these messages on one fruit. Chose to do it on the top layer. Who would be lucky to get the message? I hope they smile.


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