

Today I am reviving the Change You Life assignments from Benrik. Updates will come as I perform. So today it was Buy a stranger flowers. So, I went to Fred’s where both strangers and flowers are in abundance, and proceeded to my task. I carefully examined the crowd thinking of what flowers would the strangers like I can marry the biker dude with carnations (I’ll never forget you), a lovely lady in isle 3 in the goth outfit with roses (I love you), the dude buying 6 pack of Miller Light standing in line before me with Hyacinth (“I am sorry, please forgive me” because I automatically assessed him as white trash which you still can see in Hillsboro but not in swanky Portland). Based on my assessments of flowers I proceeded to the flower aisle hoping I can find these strangers after that. The Hyacinth was out of the question, but the other two were on sale (such luck). So, I bought a bundle of red roses and wandered around the store stocking the goth chick. I ran into her in aisle 8 (organic foods of all places. You would think goths are rebellious and subsist on frozen pizza. at least in my opinion watching “Girl with Dragon Tatoo”). Gifting the goth chick in Fred’s seemed weird. Besides, if she made a scene there are too many people to gawk. So after stalking her to the check out I followed her outside to the parking lot. Turns out she drives Tesla and I immediately thought ah, a fake goth girl or maybe a rich goth girl… Anyhow, trying to battle my nervousness I said, “You are cool with a cool outfit and I would like to gift you these roses.” She looked at me like I am crazy or maybe thought, “This crazy stranger is hitting on me.” But to my surprise she took them! And even said, “Thank you.” After that, the stupidest move I made is to shake her hand. Once again she looked at me like I was crazy. Then I remembered, “Ah! COVID possibility.” Then I turned around and walked away proud of my accomplished task. That’s my adventure for today. More to come later.

I used to blast my friends with such emails for different tasks 10 years ago… It all came back because when I talked to one of my best friends she stated that I just forgot how to live and enjoy life. And here I am, trying to remember. I hope I stick with this.


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