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today’s task was to “test a proverb today and determine its usefulness.” the book provided the proverbs for my selection.
1. The best things in life are free — hello fancy workshops at my work where dinner and wine are provided. yes!!! super useful (as any funeral with casseroles).
2. Revenge is sweet — for sure. I took one with one of my English Lit professors who called me into his office and told me I have no business being in the program. One year later he read my paper in front of the class as an example of good writing. Ya, revenge is super sweet and super useful. It drives you to do better. Definite yes.
3. The early bird catches the morning worm — I have no desire to catch any worms. Pass on that one.
4. You cannot have your cake and eat it — total bs. I bake cakes at home and always have time to eat them. Sometimes I even share them with friends (when I lived in AK). Nope.
5. Curiosity killed the cat — well, total bs as well. Curiosity is the most wonderful part of life! In fact, in my Twitter handle in my profile, I state curious. Where did this notion come from? The 50s? Nope, won’t ever use it.
6. Fight fire with fire — Not a pyromaniac. Plus, in the urban landscape, you totally cannot do it as you would burn the entire neighborhood. Poor people would revolt unless they have house insurance. Then it would actually benefit them. Still, a big no to that one.
7. Never look a gift horse in the mouth — seeing how I don’t have a horse available to me I can’t really look in her mouth. Would looking into a dog’s mouth count? My doggo smiles a lot so I assume the gifts come out of it. Definitely use it but with a doggo instead of a horse.
That concludes my proverbs exercise. On to the next task tomorrow.

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