

forest park
Today’s task is to “control your dreams.” (Not a PC post. If you are sensitive to Politically Correct please don’t read it. It will save me a lot of problems). I actually read it yesterday to get the benefits today. The book provided three things to look at and see if they will creep into your dreams:
Hedgehog, Airplane, Midget…
Well, I stared hard into them as the Book provided the pictures and prepared for a nightmare. The hedgehog has needles so most likely when he shows up I will be pricked by them. Not a great outcome for a dream. There is no way I have holes in my skin or needles stuck in my skin. Nightmare for sure.
Next one — Airplane. The only thing I can think about is said airplane will fall out of the sky with me in it. God help me. Hello, sit belts and floating devices. If it happens in my dream I would wake up with cold sweat. Hope will not happen.
The last one is a midget. Well, for me the midgets are like clowns. And I think of a traveling circus. Not a PC. Especially with all the equity magic word that is overtaking the US. Not a bad thing, just out of control. I am afraid of them. They give me serious chills. If he creeps into my dream I would probably wake up screaming. Not a good thing for my neighbors above because it will probably sound like a fire alarm.
So, 3 out of 3 means nightmares. But I stared at them in any case.
Lo and behold, the midget made it into my dreams and he was chasing me all night but could not catch me due to his short legs (not PC). Another lo and behold is that there was an airplane I came across and climbed inside of it and asked the pilot to take off. He looks at me with disdain and then says, “I don’t take orders from you.” Fuck!!!!
Invoking a hedgehog. Take that midget! He looks cute so please prick him up. I hope you get some needles that will slow you down… I know this is callous. But I am in a nightmare so anything goes.
All of this is a true story. I forgot to mention that I am a lucid dreamer which means that I can control my dreams. But it is crazy because staring at these three on a page for half an hour can actually get into your mind… You go book. You succeeded.

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