

buddha picture

Another weekend passed by. This one was uneventful except for urban hiking in the morning for 3 hours each day. Ze beastie was happy and peacefully slept by my feet after. I can’t believe he is 11 and still that spry. I think that a key to doggo’s long life is to keep moving. Just like for humans I suppose.

Half of the summer has passed already. Time flies unbelievably fast. I wish for a month or two to delay the fall that is moving forward towards me at the speed of light or so it seems. I need more lazy summer days to read and draw and listen to jazz. Once the fall comes most of it will have to wait till the evening when I am brain-dead after 8 hours of working on the computer. But such is life. The job is putting the roof over my head, food on the table, and buying my doggo expensive treats among other things. I have absolutely nothing to complain about. And yet, here it is…

I started cooking again and the other day made yellow curry. I stole the ingredients list from one at Trader Joe’s and made it my own. Thank you crock pot. I am saving making borsch and bread till the rainy fall which usually brings blankets and tea with it. Nothing better than a bowl of hearty soup in the chilly weather. But as it is the 95F weather just is not predisposed for any hot food. Even the curry I ate was cold.

On a gossipy rest of the lines: as I type the neighbors across from me have police stalking. They question everyone including the three kids that my neighbors have. I am tempted to open my window to listen but don’t want to let hot air in. As of right now I only hear a trickle of muffled sound living me curious and interested in the events that led to such a development. But really it is not my business.

Well, what a note to conclude my 20 lines today… Over.

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