


Cannot believe it is almost July already. Just a minute ago it was June. What happened to time? It flies as you get older and settle into your routine. Someone else said that if you change your routine the time will go slower. Maybe. Got to try it.

Today was nothing special (part of the routine). I walked my Piglet for over 2 hours in the morning as always. The only detour I made is to get a bottle of wine from the store. Plus, In almost three years of working from home, my doggo came everywhere with me. But it was hot, so I did not take him and felt weirded out by not having my co-pilot. So that was new. Did not slow the time though. Maybe there is just something wrong with my time perception.

On a lazy me note: watching gazillions of episodes of Grey’s Anatomy. Great melodrama. It has like 18 seasons. I suppose it is job security for the actors. Can you imagine working 18 years on the same thing? I can’t stomach even a week of the sameness.

It is cooler today which is a most welcome development. Even though I have lived here in Oregon for almost 10 years I still have the thick blood of Alaskans and cannot bear anything over 72F. Just does not go away. And I don’t want it to. I pride myself on being Alaskan. When people ask me because of my accent I tell them I am from Alaska and not Russia as I lived in Alaska for the better part of my life. I came there when I was 19 and formed there into the person that I am now. I have not lived in any place in Russia (or oversees) for more than 5 years (my dad was in the military). Alaska: 26 years. Yes, I am Alaskan to the core. You might ask why I moved and the answer is simple. I wanted to experience other things while I could. I will retire in Alaska though. It is set in stone. Unless I buy a cheap house in Europe and follow more of the trying something different path. Entirely possible since I cannot travel because of my Piglet and get it out of my system. The last time I did (incidentally go to Alaska) he tried to eat his way out of the kennel cage and filed his front teeth to nothing and broke two canines. I can not leave him in a kennel anymore as he is running out of teeth to file.

All and all is good in the neighborhood. I love my neighbors even though the upstairs ones have kids literally stomping over my head. But they are super cute and very young (I think maybe 4 years). You cannot get angry at the cuteness of the munchkins so I bear it like a champ and do not complain except on FB.

That is about all for today. Over.

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