

Today’s task was to “boycott something today.” I chose two things: chopsticks and boycotts themselves. Theoretically, that should cancel today’s task but what would be the fun?
Boycotting chapsticks was unfortunate as I just bought sushi for dinner without reading today’s task first. How am I going to eat it like white civilized people emulating the Japanese? But then I remembered that on occasion I do become white trash so hands it is. No wasabi with soy sauce either as it is hard to dunk the delicate sushi by hand. Instead, I will devour pickled ginger (my favorite and I buy it in a jar) and spread wasabi by hand. I will pretend to be a Philistine and that should give me a solid excuse for my actions…
On to boycotting the boycott. For that, I made a sign reading “What do we want? Kill boycott. When do we need it? Now!” I paraded with the sign around my living room and felt like I actually got my message across as I was yelling and the walls are thin and my windows were open today so my neighbors for sure got the message. However, no one knocked on my door to join my protest. That leaved Opee. And course he had no choice but to join me and seeing how he follows me everywhere I did not feel alone in my endeavor. My wish? Please join me in this protest at 5 pm Pacific time. You can eat your dinner after that. Just don’t use chopsticks!

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