

November is almost gone, and with it the “official” Fall becomes Winter. It has been a bit chilly for Oregon in the last couple of weeks, but I love it. Waking up in the morning is not easy due to the comfort of down comforter (I suppose hence the name). But as the smell of freshly brewed coffee fills the…

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art detail


I am going to try and make this post about positive things of which there is some number there. I am running and faster than I previously (a year and a half ago did). I am clocking miles under 10 minutes regardless of the distance. That tells me that I am strong (from core building exercises) and have some endurance.…

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It is finally Fall. It took Northwest a while this year to part with the scorching hot Summer. Fall is one of my favorite seasons (after Winter). I love the slow turning of the leaves as trees prepare to sleep for upcoming three months or so. Everything is bright and beautiful with the chill in the morning. It is the…

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fire pic


Holly smokes, literally. I woke up to a snowfall of ash. The car was covered. Even with the sun behind the ominous orange-gray haze, the temperature is still claiming. What a horrible summer we have. Things are burning everywhere, hurricanes one after another. I hate to complain about the weather, but right now it’s the most worry that I have. Could…

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I got my own private cricket. It is somewhere in my bedroom chirping its little heart out as I try to fall into the dreamland.

love tree pic


The heat wave continues. I started running again using my lunch breaks. I still walk my dog 5 miles additional to running. Will it get me in shape? I wonder about Alaska and should I move back there. I experienced an out of Oregon weird happening not long time ago. All of the sudden on my walk I thought I…

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A couple of things came to mind today. Firstly, we have experienced the eclipse. The event of the moon overtaking the sun was glorious! The blackness moving in was magnificent. The moon is so much smaller than the sun but so much power! The first thing that happened, the temperature dropped down by at least 10 degrees. Then the light…

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dog and I


It is Wednesday. The hump day. I hate the hump day as it is still far away from the weekend. I always lose my steam on that day and get a mid-week blues. I love Thursday. Thursday is close to Friday, and I seem to get my steam back. I don’t know why it happens, but it happens. In general,…

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Holy mother of hotness! Today for the first time in my life I walked in 105F weather. Smothered in heat your body releases sweat even if you are not moving. Even the trees seem to break a sweat. The lungs feel heavy and constricted. The street sounds are muffled by the heat wave as if the cars all wrapped in cotton. The…

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buddha picture


Un-mo-ti-va-tion Today is such a day. I don’t seem to be able to concentrate on anything for more than five minutes. It is beautiful outside and because it is the middle of the summer and a Friday the campus where I work is empty. The wonderful thing about empty space is silence. We have almost no silent moments here in Portland,…

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