buddha picture


Today’s task was to rage against the machine. The book provided the machines. I provided the commentary: Rage against the toaster — did it this morning. “You’ve burnt it again! Raaaaaaggghhh!!! Rage against the kettle — also this morning as I was trying to have tea. “Boil you fucker, boil!!!! Rage against the elevator — I had to take one…

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Today’s task was to speak only Esperanto. I had to carry my book with me because I totally could not remember all the lines at first but then I memorized them after a while. I had many opportunities on the walk with Opee and instead of saying Hello, I threw Esperanto at them. This resulted in them asking very slowly…

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Today’s task was to “put out of order sign in a public place.” The aim was to achieve a comprehensive social breakdown. I did a very bad thing. You know how you go to the Pharmacy you have to go to a stand and get a ticket with a number. Well, this is where I posted the sign “Out of…

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Today’s task was to “do something before breakfast today.” The book provided a number of activities. 1. Call a friend and express surprise they are not up yet — no chance in hell as my bestie raises at 6 am and there is no way I will wake up before that. Strike 1. 2. Find out what’s on TV today…

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Today’s task was “Take your horoscope seriously.” So, at first, I needed to find my horoscope predictions. It is detrimental! How else would I know what I should do in the new year? I am a Sagittarius. So I was on a quest to find one. You would be surprised how many outfits would like to impose their solutions on…

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Today’s task was to “place flowers on an old unattended gravestone”. This was a serious task as it involved dead people. But you would not believe what happened! The only cemetery I know is in Forest Grove — 30 min drive. I almost went there after walking with Opee. But the weirdest thing happened! We were hiking in the woods…

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Today’s task was to send a message in the bottle. No problem as there are many creeks around the trails we hike with Opee. Although they might lead to the Pacific Ocean which minimizes chances that it will be found unless it washes up on a beach. The first thing I had to do is to ascertain the kind of…

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Today I am reviving the Change You Life assignments from Benrik. Updates will come as I perform. So today it was Buy a stranger flowers. So, I went to Fred’s where both strangers and flowers are in abundance, and proceeded to my task. I carefully examined the crowd thinking of what flowers would the strangers like I can marry the…

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A friend of mine from Alaska just emailed a video of falling snow. God, I miss Alaska. It is 84F here at the end of September. I don’t think I can deal with it anymore. I still can’t run as it is too hot after I walk my dog for two hours in the morning. That brings me to the…

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geese flying


So, I bought a house. The rent for my townhouse which I love went up $400 in a year… Although they could only increase my rent by 3% because of the rent control if I am going to pay this kind of money I better pay it for my own place. I got lucky to get a house on a…

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