

A month before I take possession of my house! Can’t wait. Although occasionally I get a nervous feeling that I made a mistake mostly it feels like it was the right decision. My mortgage will be less than the rent I am paying right now and significantly less than what I would have been paying after lease renewal. There is…

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geese flying


So, I bought a house. The rent for my townhouse which I love went up $400 in a year… Although they could only increase my rent by 3% because of the rent control if I am going to pay this kind of money I better pay it for my own place. I got lucky to get a house on a…

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fire pic


End of June already. It is crazy how time flies. This summer did turn out to be a scorcher. Today it is 115F. Yesterday it was 113F. According to the news, we are the hottest city than 99.8 % of Earth. Our temperature is only beaten by the African Sahara desert, Persian Gulf, and some deserts in California. A friend…

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It is supposed to be 113F this Sunday. In a city encased in concrete in reality it will be even hotter. I don’t know what to do. I don’t have an air-conditioner and I have to walk my dog at least two times because I don’t have a backyard. I am not overly worried about morning walk as temperatures will…

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My computer is covered in wine stains and dog hair. I don’t know how it is still alive. Someone on Facebook said that what matters is how the computer feels inside. I don’t know how it feels inside. It does not talk to me. And if it would it would probably say that it is resentful. Just came back from…

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Vacation continues. It is only a week-long but I will take that (see my previous post for the reasons). So far I have checked my work email every day but only to clean up spam and see what it will be once I return to work on Tuesday. It would be a busy day, for sure. But I like busy.…

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Just started my mini-vacation. Just a week which is for the summer means mini. I still have 3.5 weeks to burn after that but because I am working around my co-workers’ schedule (no surprise there and I never receive a thank you for that) and the hiring committee I am on it would be difficult to take any time off…

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It’s Friday and even though I made a post yesterday I have an inclination to write again even though this day is no different than others. It is true, I have been living in a Groundhog Day for the past year with hardly any social contact except meeting with my friends once a month on average or on my walks.…

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Beginning of June already… Where does the time go? It seems just yesterday I was planning projects for the Summer and now that Summer is officially here I find myself procrastinating and re-planning my life for a later date. Some of it is laziness and some of it is a fear of failing. Planning is very akin to New Year’s…

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bird pick


Writing because I am procrastinating doing my strength exercises. They are tough but only take half an hour. The benefits are tremendous. I have a bad back and if I don’t do strength training it starts hurting. Besides, I gained a lot of weight so that adds to the situation. Can you imagine me with a double-chin? I can’t. That’s…

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