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Today’s task is to sign up to go into space. It’s going to be a short recap. I googled it and came across this site that explains the budget for space travel: I do have savings but they don’t come even close to what billionaires can pay (as we know from Bezos). Even though he said “Hold Onto Your…

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Today’s task was to leave a note on someone’s car windshield. Luckily I went to a store to get some orange juice (I drink copious amounts of it ever since I got sick). I had to handwrite it as I don’t have a printer at home. But I thought it will look like a traffic ticket. And I could totally…

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Today’s task was to send a message in the bottle. No problem as there are many creeks around the trails we hike with Opee. Although they might lead to the Pacific Ocean which minimizes chances that it will be found unless it washes up on a beach. The first thing I had to do is to ascertain the kind of…

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Today’s task was “Give the discreet finger (you know which one) to people all day.” Well, some of it I did yesterday in anticipation of this task because I had to go to DMV. So many opportunities!!!!! Finger gold mine (especially for the clerks who totally deserve it as the customer service is at a snail’s pace. I think they…

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Today’s task was titled “Love of your life” and demanded to gaze into a stranger’s eyes to ascertain whether they are a candidate. Well, I had two options: again walking Opee or meeting with people over Zoom as I am still working from home. I chose Zoom. That demanded displaying them in the speaker’s view as then their window would…

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Today I am reviving the Change You Life assignments from Benrik. Updates will come as I perform. So today it was Buy a stranger flowers. So, I went to Fred’s where both strangers and flowers are in abundance, and proceeded to my task. I carefully examined the crowd thinking of what flowers would the strangers like I can marry the…

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Talking to my sister is a horrible excruciating experience. I don’t even know how to describe it. It is innate and she wants to talk for hours about her shitty life in a town that is full of radiation and people get cancer. Both my mom and she had cancer. My mom passed because of it. But she is in…

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Have not written for a while. Just got lazy… I recently found that Opee has fleas which made me believe that my house has fleas as well. I’ve been freaking out. Treated Opee and he is now flea-free (or I hope) and moved on to the house. Flea bombed it first to kill adult fleas then sprayed it with Wondercide…

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