fire pic


The heat wave is coming. The entire week is 100F or over. When I moved here. 9 years ago the summers were in the low 70s, sometimes 80s. And it would rain incrementally. Now heat waves are common and last for quite some time and so is drought. I have read an interesting article in the Atlantic about climate changing…

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buddha picture


Another weekend passed by. This one was uneventful except for urban hiking in the morning for 3 hours each day. Ze beastie was happy and peacefully slept by my feet after. I can’t believe he is 11 and still that spry. I think that a key to doggo’s long life is to keep moving. Just like for humans I suppose.…

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Cannot believe it is almost July already. Just a minute ago it was June. What happened to time? It flies as you get older and settle into your routine. Someone else said that if you change your routine the time will go slower. Maybe. Got to try it. Today was nothing special (part of the routine). I walked my Piglet…

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Don’t really have any news today. It is a very occasional post on Monday. The heat wave is still here. Hopefully the last day of it for a while. The forecast from Google lady is hopeful. Opee and I survived in spite of the hot pavement and zillions of degrees outside. Thank god the inside is cool. On a shitty…

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The Summer started today at 78F after yesterday’s 63F. This tells me that this Summer as the last Summer would be super hot. This Saturday they expect 91F and Sunday 95F… I dread the day. However, my home is still cool as it is in the shade of trees so I might not even have to turn the air conditioning…

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bird pick


I have not written for a while. Just got lazy and caught up with work. Plus, my every day is the same to the point that I sometimes don’t know what date it is and what day of the week it is. There is comfort in it as I don’t deal well with change but it also is boring like…

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Opee got attacked by a vicious pit bull. It was horrible. The owner was completely unresponsible and sat on a bench with its leash under his foot. Of course, when the pit bull lunched towards Opee the leash just came out from under the foot as pit bulls are all muscles and pretty powerful. I have never seen such a…

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A lot has happened since I last posted. Mainly related to my new house. It is finally mine! I have the keys! I still have a month to move in as I am still under the lease for my present place but I am pretty anxious to move. I packed my first box today. It’s all books and it is…

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love tree pic


I signed all the ESCROW paperwork for my house yesterday!!! Woo-Hoo! I was drinking champagne afterward and treated myself to sushi. I cannot believe that everything house-related just became a reality! My closing fees also went down almost $500 because of some other discount. I am so so so happy about that. Every bit helps. I was living on a…

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A friend of mine from Alaska just emailed a video of falling snow. God, I miss Alaska. It is 84F here at the end of September. I don’t think I can deal with it anymore. I still can’t run as it is too hot after I walk my dog for two hours in the morning. That brings me to the…

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